

It seems like we are hearing more and more stories like this one.  It breaks my heart to hear what is happening to my brothers and sisters around the world.  I wonder how much of it is true hatred for the Christian faith or if it is hatred for what America has made Christianity become.  I love my country, but my true allegiance is to my Lord.  As Tony Campolo has said on several occasions, "We may live in the best Babylon in the world, but it is still Babylon, and we are called to 'come out of her.'"

I think I'm slowly becoming more of an activist for the church fulfilling her duties to love God and love her neighbors.  We try so hard to accomplish the first one that we often overlook the connectedness of the two.  After 9/11, how many Christians were all for bombing the crap out of Afghanistan?  How many were gung-ho about invading Iraq?  What does this say about how much we love ourselves?

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