Another update in my life: I have hurt my knee doing something unbeknownst to myself. It's ached since October, but has been hurting pretty badly since Sunday. When I walk up stairs, there is a popping/squishing sound around my kneecap. It's not fun. It's a lot of RICE for me right now.
On to deep breaths:
Pope John Paul II was recorded has having liked to say that Christianity had been given two lungs, one Eastern and one Western, and that for too long the church has been breathing only out of her Western lung (The Gospel According to Starbucks, p. 52). When anyone brings up the idea of mysticism in Christianity, the Church becomes defensive and drills into the ground that our faith should be a thinking faith, not one based on emotion or experience. Can we not reconcile the two? Can our faith be one that is both logical and mystic? I do not think or feel that the two are mutually exclusive. What would this look like to balance the two?
Personally, I would like to pick up some of the works of Eastern Christian thinkers. Some of you reading this may not even know that Christianity has both East and West branches. It would be worth your while to find out more about the Eastern church and begin to reconcile our differences with them.