
Service Station to Convenience Store

Today's chapel was really amazing.  Campus Ministries put together "The Nails of the Cross."  It is a look into the "nails" that were driven into Christ:  Pride, Infidelity (disloyalty), Envy, Indecision, Hatred, and Cruelty.  I wanted to take this event seriously and reflectively.  However, many of my fellow classmates did not think that this was worth their time.  They came in for the chapel credit.  I hate it.  It irks me to no end when people come to very introspective experiences like this one with such an attitude.  People were talking throughout the whole thing, not being respectful of those around them, and being very disrespectful even to the Cross.  Hardly anyone stopped at the cross in the fifteen minutes I was there.

Things like this make me wonder what the church has become today.  I might call into question the true Christianity of these people, but I feel that the church is also somewhat to blame.  It seems to me that the church has become nothing more than a convenience store where you come, get a donut and coffee, get your "gas" for the week, and leave.  What happened to the church that used to be a service station, a place where you would drive in and the attendant would come to you, fill up your life, check your "oil" and other necessary fluids, tire pressure, wiper blades, and make sure you were in proper working order in general?  Are we too busy even for Christ?


What's in the Middle? The White Stuff

Also, I'm sitting here eating an entire sleeve of Oreos, drinking milk, and watching Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets.  No guilt...

Laud and Praise... Too Much Hype

Since the beginning of the semester, I have been under a lot of stress and demand.  Most of this has come from my desire for two things:  the Ministry & Missions Department award and graduating with honors.  I've been stressing a ton about my grades (I'm at a 3.488 and need a 3.5 for honors) and the way the M&M professors perceive me.  I've never stressed about grades, and I'm not the kind of person to really care what someone thinks about me.  Why the sudden change in my attitude?  I wanted the honors to know that I'm the best.  I wanted my dad to tell me at graduation that he was proud of me for my accomplishment.  I wanted the affirmation of Drs. Jones, Fetters, and Bergler (and RuthAnn!) to have some kind of certainty that I was going to succeed in my future ministry...  What a load of crap!

God's in control.  He's preparing a place for me to do ministry where I'll be just fine.  I've already got the ministry effectiveness seal of approval from about 350 people in Iowa.  Unfortunately, the chances of my dad ever telling me he's proud of me are slim to none.  Dad's:  be sure to let your sons know that you're proud of who they are and you're okay with helping them make choices instead of telling them what to do.  After all, they're not your children.  They're just on loan from your Father.


My Future Daughter

I hope I have a daughter like this little girl...