
Being A Good Husband (but not yet)

How can I be a good husband? How can I pursue my future wife and make her feel loved?

These are just a couple of things I'm trying to process in my life right now. It's hard to know how to pursue a significant other who is 1500 miles away. My fiancee is in Miami while I'm in Cedar Rapids for almost the rest of the year. We're both on this extensive internship for school, and it's just really hard to communicate via phone and email. It also doesn't help that I don't have a lot of spare cash to send her things in the mail. I really wish I could do things like that, but it's just so hard.

I am writing letters. I promised to write letters every week, but that hasn't happened. I'm about three weeks late on that. Maybe this could be the turning point for me. Maybe I can be worthy to be called her future husband. Until then, I have to keep learning what it is that makes her feel loved and how I can satisfy that from 1500 miles.

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