

So, it would seem that sometimes I don't even take my own advice. Looking back at the post labeled "Across Mexican Deserts," I see that I wrote a lot about relying on God. Wow, have I been lazy! I haven't been relying on God like I should. Wouldn't you know it, my life did become moot. I was unguarded by the Holy Spirit and allowed myself to make some bad choices and break some promises. For that, I am truly sorry.

It's interesting how some of us go through cycles of trusting God, relying on ourselves, getting into trouble, then coming back to God. I feel like the nation of Israel during the period of the Judges. They would trust God, rely on themselves, get into trouble, then find themselves back at God. It's not a good way to live, but it happens sometimes. Hopefully, with my focus on God, I won't have to live in the cycle.

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