
the baby or the bath water?

After perusing the world of Facebook, I've noticed something quite interesting.  Many of my friends list in their religious views section something to the effect of "it's not religion, it's relationship."

Now, I'm the first one to agree that Christianity is about relationship.  I know that religion can become a "lip service" with no meaning.  But are we helping ourselves by denouncing religion as archaic, irrelevant, or "stupid," or are we losing something profound when we throw the baby out with the bath water?

Religion is like dating...  I know, it's a stretch.  It is the art of practice.  It is how we come to remember who we are, who God is, and what He's done for us.  When it becomes dull and fake, it needs to be revitalized.  So, instead of shoving religion out the back door, let's try our best to re-energize the ancient practices.

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