
The End of Civilization As We Know It

After reading many articles regarding the fuel and food price increases, I am left to but one conclusion:  civilization is ending.  It's true.  People are becoming more and more uneasy with the problems of capitalism (i.e. exploitation of the common man).  I foresee a future where we will become primarily agrarian again.  I wouldn't be surprised to see some buildings knocked down in the next few years to provide land for subsistence farming.
Okay, I'm really only joking.  I don't foresee our existence becoming subsistence again.  I just have a problem with the oligarchic society we have set up for ourselves where we think we have the power of voting, but really, we've given that power to a few upper-class individuals.  Being what I would call a Christian socialist/Platonic Republican** (see Plato's Republic),  I have to say that I see where democracy and capitalism have failed quite a bit in America.  Now, I'm the first to admit that I don't have many answers at all, but I think we should start looking for new ones...

**NOTE:  The term "Christian socialist" implies here nothing more than authentic Christian community.  This ideal is based on the 1st Century church's example of non-exploitation and sharing all things.  Platonic Republicanism (denounced as inefficient by Plato himself) is a system of three classes:  Guardians (protectors of the community's ideals), Merchants, and Auxiliaries (public services such as police, firefighting, military, etc.).  Perhaps I am denouncing the American government, perhaps I'm just saying that if we want to call ourselves a democracy, we should vote like one.


Tithing in the American Church

Here is a link for an article recently released by the Barna group.  It talks about tithing in the American church today.  It'd quite discouraging...

I guess people don't think they should have to support someone to equip them to impact the world for Christ.


reality: enough to make me puke

Every college senior's most anticipated day is graduation day.  It's their time.  They've completed four years, and it's now on to a career in real life.  Most of them probably already have things lined up: a job, a place to stay, furniture...

However, as I approach graduation day, I find myself more and more likely to puke.  Am I getting sick?  No.  Anxiety is setting in like never before.  With the wedding only 58 days from today, no job currently lined up, and no place for my future wife and I to live, I am feeling anxiety in a new a deep way.

I know God has everything under control and that He'll reveal His perfect will, but the waiting is what's hard.  I love working with students.  Any job less than that will be disappointing to me.  So, as May 17 approaches, I'll be praying and feeling like I'm gonna blow chunks.


Birthday #22

Today was my birthday.  Thanks to all of those who wished me a happy day.  It really was quite fantastic.  Celebrations started on Saturday when Jess took me to Buffalo Wild Wings, bought me a Chicago Cubs hat, and then saw I Am Legend with me.  It laid low for a little while, then came back today with a birthday breakfast made by that pretty lady I'll call Wife someday.  Then later that day, I received the Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis.  It's probably one of his lesser known works.  I'm really excited to read them.

For those who read this:
I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while.  School and work have been taking up a good chunk of my time.