
God's Heroes

This is a note written on Facebook by my good friend Jacob Lehmann. I thought I'd just share it with you guys:

"The batter steps up to the plate, warms up his muscles with a few practice swings, and prepares for the coming pitch. The pitcher winds up and sends the hurtling white blur toward the waiting catcher's mitt. The bat cracks, the ball soars out of the infield, over the outfield's fence, and into the stands. This batter is a splendid athlete, and many of those who sit in the stands have come in hopes of catching that home-run ball. The focus of this note, however, is not upon the athlete himself, but upon how the crowds of adoring fans are acting. Why are they acting this way? Why does this particular athlete deserve such adoration? He is special. He stands apart from the rest, because he has done great things and has devoted himself tirelessly to the sport that is his profession. People admire his achievements and his talent, both of which result from God's goodness. It is right that they admire him, and it is right that they make a big deal of him. It is part of who we are as human beings to admire beauty and excellence. We find the pinnacle of that in God; we shouldn't neglect honor of those who possess special talents or have achieved great things.
Tomorrow is Halloween. The term is derived from a contraction of the Catholic/Anglican/Lutheran holy day of All Hallows Evening. This is a special day which honors those who have gone before us in the faith, have sacrificed all for the cause of Christ and His Kingdom, and have proven themselves exceptionally selfless. God has made them holy and called them to serve Him; they answered the call and served him with a steadfast heart, though still imperfect. Upon attending one of these Masses, one might perceive the liturgy as idolatry. However, this is not the case. These people are no longer walking in the flesh, so we can't give them a pat on the back or tell them that they did well. They are currently in Heaven, worshiping the Lord day and night before His throne and, some believe, praying for those still struggling to serve God. Instead of patting them on the back, we celebrate a service and tell them through a certain type of prayer. This is not worship. It is much like cheering for an athlete. These "athletes", however, are not here bodily. This note could go on forever, so I will end here.

Just because the person dies, doesn't mean that his flame of influence has to die out..."

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