I recently saw a few yard signs supporting Democratic candidate Barack Obama. Although I like to adhere to no political party and vote for the candidate I feel upholds my values the most, I can't help but notice Senator Obama's campaign. It's been largely targeting young adults (an age bracket known for its absence at the voting booths). However, the campaign ad to the left struck me in a profound way.
What exactly is Senator Obama trying to say by these ads targeting for hope? It would seem to me that he is trying to strike a chord with many Americans who have lost hope. What hope is it that he is trying to re-establish? I just find it interesting that his recent campaign ads have all been addressing the ideas of hope and changing the world. Can a president really promise two things as large as hope and world change? Is it really the place of a president or a country (which can't really even agree on much within itself) to bring hope and change to the world? What happened to the hope we find in Christ? Has this hope suddenly become insufficient?
I've not looked too deeply into presidential candidates this year. Part of me wants to vote Democrat (with the exception of Hilary) partially out of rebellion to my father who is uber-conservative. Another part of me sees what a terrible mess everything has become as of late and wants to see change. But I don't think a president can bring the change I'm looking for. I'm sorry, Senator Obama, but you can't give me the hope I desire. The only way the change I'm looking for can come about is if the church gets out of the lifeboat and starts doing something together in the name of Christ to change the world the way the early church did it: with truth and love. The two go together hand-in-hand. You can't have one without the other. Both are insufficient to bring what Senator Obama and many others are looking for; together, they can do even more.
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