It was definitely a day full of joy. I was most proud of the students as they read their statements of faith for the elders the evening before. I love every kid who comes thru the doors of the church, so being part of this milestone in their life was rewarding. Needless to say, I cried a bit today.
Reflections: Hebrews 12.1-2
This was the text today in my Daily Reader on the Blackberry. Sidenote: Having the Youversion Bible on my phone is super handy because it has a daily reading plan. Back to the selected verses.
Great cloud of witnesses: I think this refers to the example set by other Christians who have dealt with their own brokenness/sin or had to go through great suffering. These might be Christians of long ago or not so long ago. We can learn from these people who have gone before us. Not only that, but they are a source of support for us in our times of temptation and trial.
Throw off: It's interesting that the writer says throw off referring to sin. In the ancient world, clothes were cumbersome and weighty. When people competed in sports, it was often stark naked. This could be an allusion to the Garden of Eden when man and woman walked with God naked and without shame. As we run this race, we should take off the sin that's weighing us down and run "naked" in the way God originally intended us to be before Him. Note: I am not endorsing public nudity, streaking, or anything similar. Nakedness is a metaphor for having our lives exposed.
looking to Jesus: Ultimately, our focus is Jesus, who is the one who teaches us how to run. He experienced the greatest suffering of anyone. He endured the cross because it was a temporary suffering compared to the eternal joy he would experience after the resurrection. We have this same joy to look forward to. After the resurrection, all things will be made new for eternity and we will live in God's presence.
This is what I got out of this passage today. I can bear my "cross" with great joy because the way things are is only temporary. There is a greater joy down the road to which I can look forward!
Staying Gospel-Centered by JD Greear
"Dear, Lord, three things I pray..." I know that sounds like the opening to a bad Ben Stiller rendition of the Lord's Prayer, but there are three things that I pray every morning that help me begin my day centered on the gospel.
I don't offer these as a formula or mantra, but just as a practical way to live a gospel-centered life. (I, for one, have found that it is easier to espouse a gospel-centered theology than live a gospel-centered life!) Embracing these principles each morning applies the gospel to my heart, helping me to subdue my idols, counter my propensity to works-righteousness, and grow in the grace of God. Enough intro. Here are the three things I pray:
Unmerited Love and Grace
"God, because I am in Christ I know there is nothing I can do today that would make you love me any more, and there is nothing I have done that makes you love me any less."
As Martin Luther said, the default mode of the human heart is "religion." Even after we are converted, our hearts gravitate back toward works-righteousness unless we continually set them on the gospel. This prayer helps me remember who God has made me, by his grace, in Christ. According to John 17, God loves me now as much as he loves Jesus. Wow. On that basis, the notion that I can add to or take away from his love becomes absurd.
Joy In Christ's Sufficiency
"God, your presence and approval is all I need to have joy today."
This prayer helps me battle against my natural proclivity to idolatry. John Calvin described the human heart as "a perpetual factory of idols." We were made to worship, but we substitute the creature for the Creator (Rom 1:25). We turn anything that we find pleasing into an idol, looking to it for happiness rather than to God. This sentence helps me remember that I don't need man's praise, monetary blessing, success, or even "happiness" to have joy.
Resting In God's Goodness
"God, everything the gospel tells me about your intentions for my life is TRUE."
In the gospel, God shows me that his intentions for me are blessing, not cursing; hope, not despair; and resurrection, not death. This completely changes how I approach the day. I realize that God's plans for me, my family, and my ministry are good beyond even my wildest imagination. The sky is literally the limit (Ps. 103) on the salvation he wants to work in and through me. It helps me to, in the words of William Carey, "expect great things from God, and then attempt great things for God."
Abiding Through Meditation
Meditating on these three things allows me to leave the house "abiding" in Christ, which is, as Jesus said, the way to abundant fruitfulness. Meditation, though a lost art among Christians, is essential for gospel-centered living. It is different from Eastern meditation, where you cleanse your mind of everything, commune with Enya, or lie naked in the grass and listen to John Denver. It is meditation on God's promises, which brings God's presence into our lives.
Now that we've been here a year, I feel as though we are truly starting life and ministry. It's been a long road full of lots of wilderness, but we're starting to see a bit of clearing. If you looked at our schedule, you'd probably say, "Yeah right, Thomas. You're going to be nuts in August." I disagree. I'm really looking forward to the mission trip, confirmation, and camp coming up. But I think in late July when we get to start planning for the next year, things will be absolutely golden. I'm a big picture thinker. It's easy for me to lose details as I'm thinking through ideas. Being able to sit down with calendars and brainstorming about the coming school year will be marvelous! I'm really excited to get cracking on the new year. This will be the time when things actually shift from the previous "Jesus through Robby" paradigm into a more "Jesus through Thomas" paradigm. I say "Jesus through..." because this ministry isn't and hasn't been about either me or Robby, but about Jesus meeting students where they are. My hope is that we can become a place without doors, walls, and windows. Something that is more about life than Wednesday nights. I'm not sure what the details are, but I think it will be great when we get there.
ESV Study Bible
Love them... then everyone will know
Truly Epic Fail
Amazon, you failed again. Tom Wright, you've succeeded on so many levels.
The Singing Lady Moved
The Lord's Prayer
Heavenly Father, you always amaze me
Let your kingdom come in my world and in my life
Give me the food I need to live through today
And forgive me as I forgive the people that wrong me
Lead me far from temptation
Deliver me from the evil one
Our God in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Above all names
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us today our daily bread
Forgive us weary sinners
Keep us far away from our vices
And deliver us from these prisons
Amazon Epic Fail?
Almost 1 month ago, I ordered Tom Wright's New Testament for Everyone Gospel set to help in the doing of the Matthew book for our Mexico mission this year. I still have not received the book. This is quite disheartening because it was at a great price (maybe explaining the book's disappearance from the face of the universe). Not sure if I should buy a copy to use and return later or just deal for now until the end of April... Probably going with the former!
Parent Ministry
Both the winter retreat and Youth Sunday went superbly. Thanks for all the prayers!
I attended the IGNITE leader's conference at Blackhawk Saturday (3/7). It was very informative. I took the Discovering Your Leadership Style workshop. It was great to know that I have very little leadership when it comes to detail. I'm more of a visionary/entrepreneurial leader with team-building, shepherding, and bridge-building elements in that. Good to know for future use. Now to brainstorm how I can use that to enact discipline in youth group. It could be interesting.
RE:formed and RE:ligion
It's funny how much that one word above (religion) can cause division. Here's something to chew on: I'm not right. I'm never right. In fact, I cannot be right. But Jesus was right, and the Holy Spirit through me is right. Jesus calls us to acts of piety (such as prayer and fasting) to deepen our connection to God and remember our commitment to His kingdom. Jesus also calls us to let the Holy Spirit do acts of good will through us to show God's mercy and grace.
In a totally unrelated thought train, I'm doing our taxes today...
Give me the patience to be shaped by you, even if it hurts sometimes.
Lovers Anonymous
Don't get me wrong! I think we should all stand up against evil and injustice in the world. However, it's too easy to sign a petition and think you've "done your part." This is especially difficult for me to grasp since I'm a hands-on kind of guy. Don't just write your name down (or type, which is even easier). Put your name down with sweat and blood. Jesus did it for us on the Cross.
We're finishing a three-week look at Romans 12 tonight in (grace)land. Paul is exhorting the church in Rome. He sums the thought process here with a list of ideas that play into living the life transformed by the Holy Spirit renewing the mind and compelling us to a Jesus-centered lifestyle.
Thoughts from 1 Peter
"If your gaze is only to how the world responds to you, you will live with no joy, or you'll sin and compromise in an effort to pursue joy where there is none to be had in the approval of those who don't love God. If you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, understand His great love for you, the fact that He's chosen you, that He won't leave you, that He won't forsake you, that He loved you before time began, that He loved you before He created the earth for you to walk on, that He loved you knowing you're a sinner, that He pursued you before you pursued Him, that He chose you before you chose Him, you'll have joy and you'll be able to live a life patterned after Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Great stuff.
A Fine Line...
simplistic procrastination
Back to work...
How Great Thou Art by Becoming the Archetype just came onto iTunes!
YM explosion
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
No Regrets
The teaching and breakouts have been pretty traditional; regular man stuff. I can't say I've had an "a ha!" moment, yet. Still, it's only the middle of the day. Part of me wishes I could attend the discussion later about what we can do to keep this going at home. (I've always been a fan of secret pacts/covenants. Too bad they've lost their allure to men.) All in all, this is shaping up to be a good day of refreshing.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
The Church Needs Dudes
I just saw this Youtube video from John Piper's Desiring God website. I thought it was really good in addressing the need for men in the church. I think Driscoll's right that our churches scream femininity and guys run away. How do we get men to come back to church without feeling like we're trying to feminize them?
Blogger's a Jerk
Free At Last...
One thing that has always struck me as funny, though, is that there has never been many free Christian resources to help the church deal with and think through these issues. Sure, there's, a great ministry started by a couple of guys who now go to porn shows to witness to people (without overt condemnation). Still, there's by a lack of literature to spark discussion among Christians who struggle with pornographic lust.
In to save the day, my hero, Mark Driscoll. Yeah, I probably give the guy a little too much "hero worship" (by no means idolization). Everything I've heard about and from him has led me to believe he's theologically well-grounded, a committed father/husband, and a great teacher, but I digress.
He has recently released a free book in PDF format addressing the issues of pornography and "that M word." I find this a huge step in the world of Christian literature. I know for a fact that there are lots of Christian guys who struggle with this problem and everywhere you turn is another sexual image, so it's with a huge breath of relief that there's finally a free resource to help in the opposite direction. I'm glad he's willing to put his material out there for people to use. Check it out here. If you like it, you can still buy the book and have a copy that you can print to share with guys you may know who struggle with this stuff.
If you want to join in on the experience, check it out here.
Bad Blogging
- MOVED! Jess and I moved to a ranch-style apartment downstairs. We now pay less on electricity and get a better vibe than we did in the cave we used to live in. (note: we didn't really live in a cave, rather a loft that often felt like a cave.)
- COUCHED! We purchased a new couch. It is chocolate brown with a chaise (bed-like attachment replacing a cushion). We love it!
- CHRISTMAS'D! Went to IL for Christmas. Had much fun. Received some gifts.
- NEW YEAR'D! Had a great time with our LifeGroup from Blackhawk EV Church. Lots of non-healthy food and party games.
- MILWAUKEED! Took a quick overnight to Milwaukee. It was a nice city. I'd go back. Did not have fun finding the ULTA in the suburbs...
- TWITTERED! Joined twitter... make any judgments you might.
- TIRED! Haven't been sleeping as well lately. Who knows?